

Why do lithium batteries and lithium battery packs both need aging and aging tests?

Post time:Jun-06-2024

Lithium battery aging tests:
The activation phase of the lithium battery pack includes pre-charging, formation, aging, and constant volume and other phases. The role of aging is to make the properties and composition of the SEI membrane formed after the first charging stable. The aging of the lithium battery allows the infiltration of the electrolyte to be better, which is beneficial to the stability of the battery performance;
The main factors that affect the performance of the lithium battery pack are two, namely the aging temperature and the aging time. More importantly, the battery in the aging test box is in a sealed state. If it is powered on for testing, the tested data will vary greatly, and it needs to be noted.
Aging generally refers to the placement after the first charging after the filling of the battery. It can be aged at room temperature or high temperature. Its role is to stabilize the properties and composition of the SEI membrane formed after the first charging. The aging temperature is 25 °C. High-temperature aging varies from factory to factory, some are 38 °C or 45 °C. Most of the time is controlled between 48 and 72 hours.
Why do lithium batteries need to be aged:
1.The role is to make the electrolyte better infiltrate, which is beneficial to the stability of the performance of the lithium battery pack;
2.After aging, the active substances in the positive and negative electrode materials will accelerate some side effects, such as gas production, electrolyte decomposition, etc., which can quickly stabilize the electrochemical performance of the lithium battery pack;
3.Select the consistency of the lithium battery pack after a period of aging. The voltage of the formed cell is unstable, and the measured value will deviate from the actual value. The voltage and internal resistance of the aged cell are more stable, which is convenient for selecting batteries with higher consistency.
The performance of the battery after high-temperature aging is more stable. Most lithium battery manufacturers use the high-temperature aging operation method in the production process, with a temperature of 45 °C - 50 °C for 1-3 days, and then let it stand at room temperature. After high-temperature aging, the potential bad phenomena of the battery will be exposed, such as voltage changes, thickness changes, internal resistance changes, etc., which directly test the safety and electrochemical performance of these batteries.
In fact, it is not fast charging that really accelerates the aging of the lithium battery pack, but your charging habit! Fast charging will accelerate the aging of the battery. With the increase in the number of uses and time, the aging of the lithium battery is inevitable, but a good maintenance method can extend the service life of the battery.
Why is the aging test of the lithium battery pack needed?
1.Due to various reasons in the production process of the lithium battery PACK, the internal resistance, voltage, and capacity of the cell will vary. Putting cells with differences together into a battery pack will produce quality problems.
2.Before a lithium battery pack is assembled, the manufacturer does not know the true data and performance of the battery pack before the battery pack aging.
3.The aging test of the battery pack is to charge and discharge the battery pack to test the battery pack combination, battery cycle life test, battery capacity test. Battery charge/discharge characteristic test, battery charge/discharge efficiency test
4.The rate of overcharge/overdischarge of the battery bearability test
5.Only after the manufacturer's products have undergone aging tests can the actual data of the products be known, and defective products can be selected in a timely and effective manner to avoid flowing into the hands of consumers.
6.In order to better protect the rights and interests of consumers, the aging test of the battery pack is an essential process for every manufacturer.
In conclusion, the aging and aging tests of lithium batteries and lithium battery packs are crucial. It is not only related to the stability and optimization of battery performance, but also a key link to ensure product quality and consumer rights and interests. With the continuous progress of technology and the increasing demand for battery performance, we should continue to attach importance to and continuously improve the aging test technology and process to promote the healthy development of the lithium battery industry and provide more reliable and efficient energy solutions for various applications. Let us enjoy the convenience brought by lithium batteries while also having a more secure and better use experience. In the future, we look forward to more innovations and breakthroughs in this area, injecting stronger power into the development and progress of society.